Monday, April 6, 2020

Corona and Cash

COVID-19, the Wuhan Flu, Chinese Chough, Corona Virus - THEY ALL CAN SUCK IT!

As you are all aware, this life altering virus has wreaked havoc across the entire planet-and we are doing everything in our power to protect our little boy from its long fingers. Aside from his obvious limitations, Cash also had RSV twice as a baby and is susceptible to long bouts with respiratory illness, so we are being extra careful with him. The only person outside of his immediate family to see him since early March is his "new" nurse Mary. I use quotes around "new" because I don't believe I have introduced you to Mary before but let me tell you, since our move to Boerne she has been a godsend. We are so very lucky to have her and Cash of course is smitten. This week makes a full year since she joined us.

Aside from the virus and all that stress we have a new teen driver in the house! Whoa nelly that's thrown us for a loop! Now, she hasn't been able to drive much due to shelter-in-place rules but it has been nice prior to that when Savy was able to take Cash to school or go run an errand for us. So far so good with respect to Savy's driving skills, although we did install a little gadget called a Bouncie to track her every move while she's out on the road. (Great product btw).

Let's see, Kim and I both started new jobs. Kimberleys was a bit of a lateral move but did put her on payroll W2 which hasn't been the case in almost 20 years! Big change from being self-employed for sure, but it had too great of benefits to pass up. The job is worth having for the insurance alone. I on the other hand jumped into something completely new and joined Texas Ranch Sales as an Associate Agent late last summer. Both experiences have been rewarding if not difficult to launch with the advent of the virus. Hopefully we can begin to maximize our new positions in the coming months. If you'd like to visit my website you can do so at Tell a friend!

That's about all I've got, oh and Cash still weighs 43 lbs, but getting taller every day. Thanks for checking in yall, be safe prayers to all those hurting during this economic catastrophe. God bless yall!