Saturday, November 26, 2011


Cash has been doing mostly pretty well the last few days. They tried the CPAP this morning but after just 90 minutes they re-intubated him on the ventilator. This is a set back for sure, but we hope that when he gains some more weight and gets a little stronger we can have a successful change in the coming weeks. He is eating 12.5cc's now, and for the most part has stayed pretty stable. We keep hoping for a major improvement but these things move very slowly. His brain bleed has not gotten worse but is "leaking", causing some minor damage that the doctor says won't be seen until he is older. Also that the damage if not severe, can many times be made up for with other parts of the brain especially since he still developing and so young.

We have fallen for this little guy. He is such a fighter, and has had to be so tough. His big sister continues to read, makes pictures for and writes notes to him that we will always keep. Kim is stressed but hanging in there.

Keep praying, we have a very long road.

1 comment:

  1. Please email me! I have a question about your blog :)
