Monday, February 6, 2012

Some Pics

Here are a few pics. A couple may be a little graphic for some.

The first pic is our first without any tubes, wires etc covering his face. He;s a looker!

The next two pics were taken immediately after surgery. You can see the shunt that makes a bumb on the right side of his head. Not exactly what we had hoped for, but if it helps our boy, we will take it.

The last pic was taken just before we had to put Suzy down as we were saying our goodbyes. You can see how upset Savy was. She has been handling losing her best friend very well.

Sorry I couldnt figure out how to rotate the pics.



  1. Well, I admit to feeling a lot less alone when I hear about other teeny tiny micro-preemies. Incidentally, Cash was born on my son's birthday. He was a 30 weeker and now he's 14. (One of the many reasons I stay hopeful...)

    Thinking of you!

    Kenna's mom

  2. Thanks for the kind message. Glad to know your boy is doing so well!
