Monday, March 19, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing...

Well, all the hoopla about getting Cash home this week has come to a bittersweet halt.
First, the bad news. We were hoping to have Cash home by Wed or so, and thats now been put off til at least next Monday; mainly due to a continued anti-biotic treatment for the infection at his shunt site on his head. Not to be confused with the still negative spinal fluid concern from last week. So, we are looking at at least another week til our little boy can come home.

BUT, as the eternal optimist I have good news to report as well! First off, there is still no sign of any deficiency in Cash per the docs. We are blessed for sure. No doubt that all your prayers have been heard!

Also, over the next week, due to the "feeding prowess" of our little Cashew, the docs are going to try and get him off his feeding tube before he comes home!!!! This would be a huge relief for us. He is at feed 6 now and needs to get to 8 to make that happen. This is looking like a decent possibility at this point. Fingers, toes and arms crossed while on bended knee. Additionally, although less likely, they will be doing another o2 test late this week to attempt getting him off the nasal cannula!

The setback on time could be a blessing in the long run, as tough as it is on us. We will prevail, and so will Cash, no matter what damn tube he has shooting from his little 9.5lbs body!

I wanted to add some new pics as well. The first is Cashmonster, the second is of Kimberley and my awesome cousin Michelle who played the role of "girlfriend" today at the hospital. Kinda funny. Her words, not mine. Michelle-You are as much a sister to us as a cousin. You are such great family and more importantly, a friend. We love you very much! Last is of one of the tanks delivered to our house today. Its the large one. LOL.

Hug your kids!
The Franeks

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