Friday, September 28, 2012


Most of you have followed our story from day one, and many know the tests that have been put in front of us over the last 11 months. We never know exactly how or when these little tests pop up, but they do and we learn to cope. Adapt. Like Darwin said, the survivors are not necessarily the strongest, but those who willfully adapt.

Over the last two months our medical supply company changed, and we've not been happy about it. New company means retraining, reordering, new delivery times etc etc. The most important of these are the pulse oximeter probes that we wrap around Cash's feet, which plug into the monitor. They keep track of his pulse and oxygen levels.

After a hiccup in delivery, we only received 2 probes which is nearly impossible to stretch out over a month's worth of use. So we adapted. Last night Cash slept without being monitored for the first time in his life. A pacifier for us, to lose this monitoring was nerve busting to say the least. He survived.

The point of this blog is not to mull the details of probes, but to emphasize the point that as a family we have learned to morph and adapt, adjust and change into the new normal. I think we are doing very well.

Savy has been a big concern for us, for obvious reasons. She has the occasional break down at school and home, but for the most part she has been great. Yesterday we met with her new teachers and they gave us a huge compliment. Not only is Savy doing well in school with regards to grades, but they also made note that she avoids drama(Probably already has enough). They continued, saying she is very empathetic, caring for other kids and always lending a hand. What a great thing to hear!! We were so proud.

So we are just trucking along, doing the routine and adjusting into our La Vida Loca. As I type this Cash is having his 4th therapy session this week. He continues to amaze me. What a strong will and headstrong determination he has. I love him so much.

Thank you God for all your blessings. Amen

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