Cash has had a few good days in a row! These are precious times for sure, and very welcome in our household as well.
Here are the basics:
2lbs 6oz
14in long
Blood Gas - 60's
Staph Infection healing nicely
02 Saturation levels more stable recently, between 88-96%
02 being delivered at 35%
Head circumference not a concern, very slightly larger than avg
Brain bleeds, slowing/same as last week
Eyes are wide open
Wavy hair we think
Cash now has linen service being provided by KF Cleaners, with Dreft promotional consideration paid by MF. He also has 2 darn cute hats, one is the strawberry yall have seen in pics. The other is an Owl hat that our front desk lady at Anchor got for him. This thing is the cutest, just a bit too large just yet. Can't wait to snap some pics with it on soon. Cash has the ladies attention with all female nurses. I think he was considering one for prom the other day 'caus he just stared at her. Good taste. Anyhow, his surgery has been postponed indefinitely, as the pressure from the brain bleed does not have Dr. Whitehead concerned just yet.
Learn more about Dr. Whitehead here
Learn more about TCH here's-hospital-6742018/pediatric-rankings/neurology-and-neurosurgery
Pretty amazing that TCH has 73 of the top doctors rated in the US. Ranked #4 Childrens hospital in the world and ranked top 10 in more than 10 specialties. We are very lucky to be in Houston right now.
Kim has been Wonderwoman as of late, not missing a day with Cash, while keeping up with her work. Savy is still knocking down A's, earning Brownie badges and feeding the pets. Get ready for GS cookie time, its fast approaching! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we have added another family member recently. A baby sugarglider named Shiner. Savy is digging it. Thanks to the Bier family for getting rid of him. LOL.
Suzy Q, our boxer, has slept through this whole ordeal, as was expected.
I came in 7th place in my fantasy football league. Thank you very little Nitro!
Matt/Kim, great to hear Cash is doing well, and his taste in women is already there ;-)