54 days have passed since we met our tiny new baby boy. As 2011 comes to a close, the last 2 months easily supercede the previous 10 in major events, emotion, finances, stress and yes, even the good stuff.
Lets start off this post with a quick update on our rapidly growing baby boy.
3 lbs 1 oz
22cc feeds
Room-air O2 settings
Eyes now "looking around"
More deliberate hand movement(he grabs our fingers and pushes on wires more)
CPAP didn't go well, but since they re-intubated he is on the lowest ventilator setting
Brain bleed remains the same, not getting bigger
Now to the good stuff! Cash is growing quickly, thanks to the tremendous efforts of his dedicated mommy. He is very lucky to have her. Daily visits continue, and skin to skin time averages about 12 hrs a week. I held our little pooter a couple days ago for a feeding and it was amazing to see him looking at me, up close and personal. Cash looks like his daddy. Yep, I said it! Especially when he puckers his lip and his little brow scrunches up. Too darn cute I tell ya. He is very particular about his positioning, and gets upset when he hears his neighbors crying. Thankfully his noisiest neighbor is all set to head home in the next few days. This should reduce Cash' stress level.
Cash has blue eyes, and his mommy thinks they will stay that way. We will see, but no matter to me. When I look in his eyes and hum songs, I know he recognizes his proud pappa. I was looking down at him the other day and could see his pupils open and close as I got closer and moved around. He is focusing and that gives me so much joy to know he is fixated on my smile while admiring him.
While holding Cash, Kim has mentioned her feeling Cash go poo. She thinks its cute. I'll pass. The funny part is that the other day while Kim changed Cash, Savy got to see the projectile #2 that Kim had mentioned to us before. Savy was disgusted but amazed. Her explanation was pretty funny.
While we are on this subject, Cash' diaper has gone up 2 sizes! Its the little things.
We have been blessed with 4 great primary nurses who have chosen to work with Cash. This means that on average, we will have at least 12 hours of every day with a nurse who knows his little quirks and exactly what he likes. This is a huge blessing, and we are lucky to have them.
Oh, oh, oh, I almost forgot to mention. Cash has already made his debut on the small screen. Well, not really, but he was filmed, briefly. Well his isolet was, so its close enough. The little doctor Jen Arnold from "The Little Couple" was being filmed as she walked past Cash. She waved to me and said hello, then quickly disappeared behind the wall. The next day, sans cameras, she was briefed about Cash' case. She is transitioning two primary neonatologists for a couple days. I must say, this lady is small. Super duper, small. Her story is quite amazing, and she does great things for lots of babies at TCH!
As a quick note: We had a nice Christmas, and visited with Cash on Christmas day. Savy has already baked cookies in her EZ Bake oven, and I will be scheduling my private shooting lessons at Hot Wells tomorrow. Granny is here now, and Savy's 8th birthday is fast approaching on Thursday.
We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas, and truly appreciate each of you for following Cash' journey, offering prayers and support. Thanks to you all!
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