Sometimes it may be easy for yall to think about me and Cash, being that I'm the author of the majority of the posts, and Cash the subject. I wonder if my two ladies sometimes become a shadow behind us boys, I'm hoping that is not the case. Cash is obviously the primary character in this blog, but as you know, there is an extensive cast circling around him. This post is about two of them. Savy and our family dog, Suzy Q.
Suzy is a 5 yr old Boxer, and has been with us since Savy was three. Santa brought her to us, and Savy loves her unconditionally. The way a kid should love their first dog. Being an only child for so long, Savy has a great bond with Suzy and are typically lock step anywhere on the property.
The obvious stress put on Savy lately with the whole Cash saga has caused an even stronger bond between them, which has been heartwarming. As if Cash' struggle wasn't enough, now Suzy has a pinched nerve in her back. It's bad, very bad. 5 visits to two Vets, countless pills, x-rays
and now possible visits to an accupuncturist. It seems the only option is surgery, which is not financially feasible right now. Suzy rarely leaves her bed, has lost 13 lbs in 6 weeks, and now, as I type this, has peed in her bed because she couldnt get up.
Between, Savy and Kims tears, I could row a boat out of here. We are all so upset by this, but especially Savy. The tears are probably not just for Suzy. Hopefully some Chinese medicine can help Suzy's pain.
Savy has been so strong throughout these last few months, just like her mommy; though I wish she didn't have to be. She has managed to keep her grades at all A's, provide a shoulder for her parents
and keep a positive attitude through it all. I am so lucky to have such a sweet little girl.
All I want is my boy home and my girls to be happy.
When will we catch a break?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Cash Flash: Cajun Style
So momma and I rolled out to NOLA last Thursday, in case you hadn't heard. We decided a little R and R was desperately in the cards. This would most likely be our last bit of travel for a while, so we took advantage of the opportunity, packed our bags, traded in CC points and visited our favorite non-Texas, stateside city.
We have always loved the culture, architecture, libations and FOOD! Both of us dig seafood, and a little cajun spice goes a long way for these two! We visited the traditional spots as well as some new ones while hanging with Kimberleys cousin Hunter. H is a student at Tulane; he provided us with a quick tour of the Garden District and joined us for the usual haunts in the Quarter. We met his gf Margot as well, which was a pleasure.
Heres a quick menu: 1/2 dozen shrimp and oysters, steak, veal, rabbit sausage, gumbo, meat pies, crawfish omelette, bananas foster french toast. It was all excellent!
We needed the time away from everything, and laughed more than we had in a while. Good times in the Big Easy for sure! The weather was perfect as well, great for all those many blocks to traverse while window shopping. If you haven't gone to NOLA since the flood, please do. They need the support and you will be very happy with how they have recovered so far.
We saw Cash the Thursday we left, as well as on our return Sunday. He looked great, and maintained his o2 level at 21% the whole time we were gone! Thanks for all the prayers in helping to make this little miravle happen, they have truly blessed us all. He is up to a whopping 4 lbs 13oz now! When he hits 5 lbs, I will be spinning REK's "% lbs Bass" over and over in the truck that day! Ha!
*This message brought to you by the NOLA Convention and Visitors Bureau
Anywho, thats about it for Cash and NOLA, another post is coming up about Savy, but wanted to seperate them. You will see why.
Thanks again everybody. God Bless!
We have always loved the culture, architecture, libations and FOOD! Both of us dig seafood, and a little cajun spice goes a long way for these two! We visited the traditional spots as well as some new ones while hanging with Kimberleys cousin Hunter. H is a student at Tulane; he provided us with a quick tour of the Garden District and joined us for the usual haunts in the Quarter. We met his gf Margot as well, which was a pleasure.
Heres a quick menu: 1/2 dozen shrimp and oysters, steak, veal, rabbit sausage, gumbo, meat pies, crawfish omelette, bananas foster french toast. It was all excellent!
We needed the time away from everything, and laughed more than we had in a while. Good times in the Big Easy for sure! The weather was perfect as well, great for all those many blocks to traverse while window shopping. If you haven't gone to NOLA since the flood, please do. They need the support and you will be very happy with how they have recovered so far.
We saw Cash the Thursday we left, as well as on our return Sunday. He looked great, and maintained his o2 level at 21% the whole time we were gone! Thanks for all the prayers in helping to make this little miravle happen, they have truly blessed us all. He is up to a whopping 4 lbs 13oz now! When he hits 5 lbs, I will be spinning REK's "% lbs Bass" over and over in the truck that day! Ha!
*This message brought to you by the NOLA Convention and Visitors Bureau
Anywho, thats about it for Cash and NOLA, another post is coming up about Savy, but wanted to seperate them. You will see why.
Thanks again everybody. God Bless!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Bed check... Stroller check...
So if you dont know by now, Cash has been doing great the last couple weeks. He is on CPAP, off the ventilator tube, wearing onesies and growing like a weed. Up to 4 lbs 7 oz and eating up mommas breast milk at a blistering speed. Kim has been awesome maintaining her pumps, though the supply is drying up. Still, she tries to produce as much as she can for our little man. I think at last count he has enough for one more week. K wishes there was more, but I have assured her she has performed many miracles, including the amount of milk she has produced. I am so proud of her! She also hit the 100 club, meaning at one point she had at least 100 bottles stored at TCH, earning her an award!
Savy's visits have taken a hit since the holidays. School and work have prevented her from visiting more than on weekends. We love to all be there together, though it can get a bit crowded. Savy understands our predicament, though she asks a lot of questions about him. She, like us, want him home so badly.
Now to the fun stuff! K is getting her shower set up by my cousin Michelle Jeffers and our good friends Amber Oakley and Sarah Thomas. It is scheduled for March 3 at our home. Perfect timing for me to be putting baby stuff away all day on my birthday, the 4th. Anyhow, we are fortunate to even be having one, and to have so much interest in throwing it is a blessing as well. To kick off the shopping spree we have narrowed down the stroller, picked a bedding and ordered a bed. The clothing gifts we have received have been awesome, so we think we will mostly be able to use only those, saving us big $. Thanks to everyone who has given so graciously! We are considering cloth diapers(I know I know, its a bit hippy for us; but shut it!) The nursery will be Kims old office, with her now joining me in mine. The walls will be painted and bed put together in the coming weeks. I think we will be registering on Amazon, so we can pick stuff from multiple stores.
Last but definitely not least. Kim is treating us to a long weekend in NOLA(our favorite US city) to celebrate Cash' progress and get some much needed alone time. The food, drink and cards don't hurt either. Well, they can, but that my friends is another story.
Til next time; walk the line.
M, K, S, C
Savy's visits have taken a hit since the holidays. School and work have prevented her from visiting more than on weekends. We love to all be there together, though it can get a bit crowded. Savy understands our predicament, though she asks a lot of questions about him. She, like us, want him home so badly.
Now to the fun stuff! K is getting her shower set up by my cousin Michelle Jeffers and our good friends Amber Oakley and Sarah Thomas. It is scheduled for March 3 at our home. Perfect timing for me to be putting baby stuff away all day on my birthday, the 4th. Anyhow, we are fortunate to even be having one, and to have so much interest in throwing it is a blessing as well. To kick off the shopping spree we have narrowed down the stroller, picked a bedding and ordered a bed. The clothing gifts we have received have been awesome, so we think we will mostly be able to use only those, saving us big $. Thanks to everyone who has given so graciously! We are considering cloth diapers(I know I know, its a bit hippy for us; but shut it!) The nursery will be Kims old office, with her now joining me in mine. The walls will be painted and bed put together in the coming weeks. I think we will be registering on Amazon, so we can pick stuff from multiple stores.
Last but definitely not least. Kim is treating us to a long weekend in NOLA(our favorite US city) to celebrate Cash' progress and get some much needed alone time. The food, drink and cards don't hurt either. Well, they can, but that my friends is another story.
Til next time; walk the line.
M, K, S, C
Monday, January 16, 2012
Calm Waters...
For the first time in over two months, our household has some real progress to report and much happiness to go with it! Their have been babysteps to celebrate up until now, and we cherish each of them, but this weekend Cash took a huge step, giving us some much needed relief and him a tremendous amount of comfort. As of Saturday at 2:30pm, Cash has been on CPAP! That is one less tube running down his little throat, and ending any worry for blindness through the forced o2.
He has been mostly steady with his HR as well! We think thats due to the fact he must be a lot more comfortable now. His o2 levels have been slowly dropping as well, which is amazing. Last update, he was down to 27%!!!
Every parent experiences stressful times with their kiddos, some unfortunately more than others, but it still is understood as a parent that all we wish for is our babies health and happiness. We are elated! After all he has been through, I know he is so much happier as well. Thank you God for answering all of our prayers.
The ride has been rough, and we have a much longer road to go, but to finally have a strong step forward without complications is so welcome at the Franek house. Anyone who knows us can readily attest to the fact that we are beach fanatics, and my favorite time there is at low tide when the waves barely slosh around. The relaxing quiet that are these times, repair me. My head stops spinning. I can see clearer and farther. My blood pressure drops, my eyes relax and my brow falls. Completely at peace, I always breathe in deep and look to the sky for a wink to the maker of these times. We are so fortunate that as a family, we have been able to take part in this sigh of relief.
We have been blessed these last few days with calm waters.
Thank you everyone for everything.
The Franeks
He has been mostly steady with his HR as well! We think thats due to the fact he must be a lot more comfortable now. His o2 levels have been slowly dropping as well, which is amazing. Last update, he was down to 27%!!!
Every parent experiences stressful times with their kiddos, some unfortunately more than others, but it still is understood as a parent that all we wish for is our babies health and happiness. We are elated! After all he has been through, I know he is so much happier as well. Thank you God for answering all of our prayers.
The ride has been rough, and we have a much longer road to go, but to finally have a strong step forward without complications is so welcome at the Franek house. Anyone who knows us can readily attest to the fact that we are beach fanatics, and my favorite time there is at low tide when the waves barely slosh around. The relaxing quiet that are these times, repair me. My head stops spinning. I can see clearer and farther. My blood pressure drops, my eyes relax and my brow falls. Completely at peace, I always breathe in deep and look to the sky for a wink to the maker of these times. We are so fortunate that as a family, we have been able to take part in this sigh of relief.
We have been blessed these last few days with calm waters.
Thank you everyone for everything.
The Franeks
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Brain Bleed Update
Met with Dr. Whitehead today while he made his rounds today. Again he says Cash's head doesnt have alarming pressure or growth, so he doesn't want to do surgery at this time. So I just asked for the straight talk on this topic, which he gave. Keep in mind I'm paraphrasing; but the following is about the closest as I can get it. Also, its important to be reminded that doctors are hesitant to make long term prognoses, or even allow themselves to get painted in a corner. Nevertheless, our conversation was candid and much appreciated by me. The term for Cash' condition is Hydrocephalus. Literally: Water on the brain. Learn more here:
Here goes.
Dr. Whitehead says: At this time, his head circumference is above normal but not alarmingly so. It remains soft, and seems to be re-absorbing the fluid at the same rate it is being produced. This is good. Based on my experience children in his situation typically do not have to get a shunt or a reservoir. I will maintain vigilant however, and will let you know if I think we need to reduce the pressure in the future. By 40 weeks(currently 34 weeks) we should have a good picture as to how to proceed. Hopefully by then the pressure that is there is at the least less than now, and even better, becoming less. It is important to know that Cash has sustained a considerable amount of damage to his right side of the brain. Currently the left side has had minimal damage. The best thing however, is that he is so young, the development of his brain continues and most likely will help compensate for some of the losses, but not all. Cash has a long road, but considering where he has been and what he has gone through he is doing well. Every day he maintains the current pressure without getting worse, the better. The hope is that he will eventually repair the "leak", and not have the additional pressure in the future.
I know this is a lot. especially for a parent who hasn't had to have a conversation like this before. I consider this conversation positive. He didnt tell me anything I didnt already know, and he gave me hope we can avoid a surgery for an already stressed little boy.
Yall keep praying for him, and remember to kiss your kids!
Here goes.
Dr. Whitehead says: At this time, his head circumference is above normal but not alarmingly so. It remains soft, and seems to be re-absorbing the fluid at the same rate it is being produced. This is good. Based on my experience children in his situation typically do not have to get a shunt or a reservoir. I will maintain vigilant however, and will let you know if I think we need to reduce the pressure in the future. By 40 weeks(currently 34 weeks) we should have a good picture as to how to proceed. Hopefully by then the pressure that is there is at the least less than now, and even better, becoming less. It is important to know that Cash has sustained a considerable amount of damage to his right side of the brain. Currently the left side has had minimal damage. The best thing however, is that he is so young, the development of his brain continues and most likely will help compensate for some of the losses, but not all. Cash has a long road, but considering where he has been and what he has gone through he is doing well. Every day he maintains the current pressure without getting worse, the better. The hope is that he will eventually repair the "leak", and not have the additional pressure in the future.
I know this is a lot. especially for a parent who hasn't had to have a conversation like this before. I consider this conversation positive. He didnt tell me anything I didnt already know, and he gave me hope we can avoid a surgery for an already stressed little boy.
Yall keep praying for him, and remember to kiss your kids!
Monday, January 9, 2012
New Pics
The first pic was taken Sunday. The thumb sucking pic was taken 5 days ago. The red onesie was taken about a week ago.
4 lbs and counting!
Heres the latest:
4lbs 1 oz
15in long
Brain bleed, no change
Attempting CPAP again next week
Eye tests negative (good)
Maintaining own temp!
Moving to crib out of isolet in week or two.
Wearing clothes!
Looks like me!
4lbs 1 oz
15in long
Brain bleed, no change
Attempting CPAP again next week
Eye tests negative (good)
Maintaining own temp!
Moving to crib out of isolet in week or two.
Wearing clothes!
Looks like me!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
He Smiled At Me!
I have a beautiful daughter, who can make the rain stop with a smile. She has a sweet disposition; happy go lucky and loving. Her little arms wrap around me and I turn into a gooey marshmellow. Nothing compares to a daughter looking up at her daddy and saying those four little words; "I love you daddy!"
There was a time when I didn't think I could love anyone as much as I loved my wife. Then I thought it impossible to love another child as much as I loved Savy. I have been proven wrong, again. I am blessed.
Even with the untimely birth we experienced with Cash, and the stress that has accompanied it, we have been able to find that love only a child can bring you. Its funny how you can spend all day wondering whats going on with your baby's health, praying for good news and excellent care from the docs and nurses; then you go see him and its as if you are standing there alone. Everything else melts away. Comfort comes by seeing him; just being in his presence even. I think God gives these precious little gifts the ability to look at us and say without speaking, "I'm okay."
We talk to Cash when we are there, as if he was able to understand us. I read him the entire 2011-2012 Hunting Guide and Outdoor Annual you get with your license once, just so he could hear my voice.
Savy reads bible stories to him. Kim talks about how they will go for walks and play with our dog Suzy Q. Sometimes we talk to comfort him, but mostly we are comforting ourselves. That being said, we know he can hear us. His numbers are always best when holding him and talking. Comprehension and understanding aside, he loves to know we are there.
The times we visit are special, even after fighting traffic and dealing with the 15 minute park and walk to his bedside. All of the day's stress goes away when we see our little miracle. Its extra special when you get to see him by yourself, and now that I'm holding him it is an amazing experience. The day before Christmas I held Cash for the first time. I just couldnt bring myself to hold all 16oz or 32oz of him. I waited til he hit 3 lbs. Just too small for my clumsy hands. My brother gave me heck about it, but with all the tubes, bells ringing, whistels blowing, chimes chiming and beeps beeping, I was scared to mees something up. I admit it, I was a wimp.
Now I'm over it, and I look forward to my time holding him. Today at exactly 10:41am I held Cash.
The nurse wrapped him up and I got settled with 2 pillows and eagerly welcomed him into my arms. I stared at him, told him how much I loved him. I also hum and sing to him. Sometimes its a country song, other times its my baby song I wrote for him. Still other times I just hum low and slow, so he can feel me calming him down. There is plenty to sing about these days, as we watch him growing. (Up to 3lbs 9oz!!)
So, far all the stuff we do for him, he returns the favor. We wait for his little arms to wave hi or goodbye, and cant wait to see his pretty blue eyes look at us. Even a sneeze or yawn is perfect to us. But today he gave me the best thing he could. More than all the little things before combined. It weighed in with more importance than all the songs, humming, kisses and holds I could ever give him. In one small second from a smile little mouth, he smiled at me!
Thanks Cash, I needed that.
There was a time when I didn't think I could love anyone as much as I loved my wife. Then I thought it impossible to love another child as much as I loved Savy. I have been proven wrong, again. I am blessed.
Even with the untimely birth we experienced with Cash, and the stress that has accompanied it, we have been able to find that love only a child can bring you. Its funny how you can spend all day wondering whats going on with your baby's health, praying for good news and excellent care from the docs and nurses; then you go see him and its as if you are standing there alone. Everything else melts away. Comfort comes by seeing him; just being in his presence even. I think God gives these precious little gifts the ability to look at us and say without speaking, "I'm okay."
We talk to Cash when we are there, as if he was able to understand us. I read him the entire 2011-2012 Hunting Guide and Outdoor Annual you get with your license once, just so he could hear my voice.
Savy reads bible stories to him. Kim talks about how they will go for walks and play with our dog Suzy Q. Sometimes we talk to comfort him, but mostly we are comforting ourselves. That being said, we know he can hear us. His numbers are always best when holding him and talking. Comprehension and understanding aside, he loves to know we are there.
The times we visit are special, even after fighting traffic and dealing with the 15 minute park and walk to his bedside. All of the day's stress goes away when we see our little miracle. Its extra special when you get to see him by yourself, and now that I'm holding him it is an amazing experience. The day before Christmas I held Cash for the first time. I just couldnt bring myself to hold all 16oz or 32oz of him. I waited til he hit 3 lbs. Just too small for my clumsy hands. My brother gave me heck about it, but with all the tubes, bells ringing, whistels blowing, chimes chiming and beeps beeping, I was scared to mees something up. I admit it, I was a wimp.
Now I'm over it, and I look forward to my time holding him. Today at exactly 10:41am I held Cash.
The nurse wrapped him up and I got settled with 2 pillows and eagerly welcomed him into my arms. I stared at him, told him how much I loved him. I also hum and sing to him. Sometimes its a country song, other times its my baby song I wrote for him. Still other times I just hum low and slow, so he can feel me calming him down. There is plenty to sing about these days, as we watch him growing. (Up to 3lbs 9oz!!)
So, far all the stuff we do for him, he returns the favor. We wait for his little arms to wave hi or goodbye, and cant wait to see his pretty blue eyes look at us. Even a sneeze or yawn is perfect to us. But today he gave me the best thing he could. More than all the little things before combined. It weighed in with more importance than all the songs, humming, kisses and holds I could ever give him. In one small second from a smile little mouth, he smiled at me!
Thanks Cash, I needed that.
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