So if you dont know by now, Cash has been doing great the last couple weeks. He is on CPAP, off the ventilator tube, wearing onesies and growing like a weed. Up to 4 lbs 7 oz and eating up mommas breast milk at a blistering speed. Kim has been awesome maintaining her pumps, though the supply is drying up. Still, she tries to produce as much as she can for our little man. I think at last count he has enough for one more week. K wishes there was more, but I have assured her she has performed many miracles, including the amount of milk she has produced. I am so proud of her! She also hit the 100 club, meaning at one point she had at least 100 bottles stored at TCH, earning her an award!
Savy's visits have taken a hit since the holidays. School and work have prevented her from visiting more than on weekends. We love to all be there together, though it can get a bit crowded. Savy understands our predicament, though she asks a lot of questions about him. She, like us, want him home so badly.
Now to the fun stuff! K is getting her shower set up by my cousin Michelle Jeffers and our good friends Amber Oakley and Sarah Thomas. It is scheduled for March 3 at our home. Perfect timing for me to be putting baby stuff away all day on my birthday, the 4th. Anyhow, we are fortunate to even be having one, and to have so much interest in throwing it is a blessing as well. To kick off the shopping spree we have narrowed down the stroller, picked a bedding and ordered a bed. The clothing gifts we have received have been awesome, so we think we will mostly be able to use only those, saving us big $. Thanks to everyone who has given so graciously! We are considering cloth diapers(I know I know, its a bit hippy for us; but shut it!) The nursery will be Kims old office, with her now joining me in mine. The walls will be painted and bed put together in the coming weeks. I think we will be registering on Amazon, so we can pick stuff from multiple stores.
Last but definitely not least. Kim is treating us to a long weekend in NOLA(our favorite US city) to celebrate Cash' progress and get some much needed alone time. The food, drink and cards don't hurt either. Well, they can, but that my friends is another story.
Til next time; walk the line.
M, K, S, C
So great to hear! Please send me your address with Cash's full name, date of birth, time & weight. I wanna have something special made for the lil fighter :) Take care and have a great time in NOLA!