Monday, January 30, 2012

Savy: A little girl who has a bunch on her plate

Sometimes it may be easy for yall to think about me and Cash, being that I'm the author of the majority of the posts, and Cash the subject. I wonder if my two ladies sometimes become a shadow behind us boys, I'm hoping that is not the case. Cash is obviously the primary character in this blog, but as you know, there is an extensive cast circling around him. This post is about two of them. Savy and our family dog, Suzy Q.

Suzy is a 5 yr old Boxer, and has been with us since Savy was three. Santa brought her to us, and Savy loves her unconditionally. The way a kid should love their first dog. Being an only child for so long, Savy has a great bond with Suzy and are typically lock step anywhere on the property.

The obvious stress put on Savy lately with the whole Cash saga has caused an even stronger bond between them, which has been heartwarming. As if Cash' struggle wasn't enough, now Suzy has a pinched nerve in her back. It's bad, very bad. 5 visits to two Vets, countless pills, x-rays
and now possible visits to an accupuncturist. It seems the only option is surgery, which is not financially feasible right now. Suzy rarely leaves her bed, has lost 13 lbs in 6 weeks, and now, as I type this, has peed in her bed because she couldnt get up.

Between, Savy and Kims tears, I could row a boat out of here. We are all so upset by this, but especially Savy. The tears are probably not just for Suzy. Hopefully some Chinese medicine can help Suzy's pain.

Savy has been so strong throughout these last few months, just like her mommy; though I wish she didn't have to be. She has managed to keep her grades at all A's, provide a shoulder for her parents
and keep a positive attitude through it all. I am so lucky to have such a sweet little girl.

All I want is my boy home and my girls to be happy.
When will we catch a break?

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