For the first time in over two months, our household has some real progress to report and much happiness to go with it! Their have been babysteps to celebrate up until now, and we cherish each of them, but this weekend Cash took a huge step, giving us some much needed relief and him a tremendous amount of comfort. As of Saturday at 2:30pm, Cash has been on CPAP! That is one less tube running down his little throat, and ending any worry for blindness through the forced o2.
He has been mostly steady with his HR as well! We think thats due to the fact he must be a lot more comfortable now. His o2 levels have been slowly dropping as well, which is amazing. Last update, he was down to 27%!!!
Every parent experiences stressful times with their kiddos, some unfortunately more than others, but it still is understood as a parent that all we wish for is our babies health and happiness. We are elated! After all he has been through, I know he is so much happier as well. Thank you God for answering all of our prayers.
The ride has been rough, and we have a much longer road to go, but to finally have a strong step forward without complications is so welcome at the Franek house. Anyone who knows us can readily attest to the fact that we are beach fanatics, and my favorite time there is at low tide when the waves barely slosh around. The relaxing quiet that are these times, repair me. My head stops spinning. I can see clearer and farther. My blood pressure drops, my eyes relax and my brow falls. Completely at peace, I always breathe in deep and look to the sky for a wink to the maker of these times. We are so fortunate that as a family, we have been able to take part in this sigh of relief.
We have been blessed these last few days with calm waters.
Thank you everyone for everything.
The Franeks
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